I need to validate my go daddy domain with microsoft

Learn how to quickly validate your GoDaddy domain with Microsoft for seamless integration and ownership verification, step by step.

Did you know that more than 1 million domains have been validated with GoDaddy and Microsoft? This staggering number highlights the popularity and reliability of these platforms for domain ownership verification. If you’re looking to set up your Microsoft 365 email address with a domain at GoDaddy, it’s essential to validate your domain with Microsoft. By following the step-by-step instructions, you can easily validate your GoDaddy domain and verify your ownership, enabling seamless integration between GoDaddy and Microsoft 365.

Key Takeaways:

  • Validating your domain with Microsoft is crucial for setting up Microsoft 365 email with your GoDaddy domain.
  • Find your TXT record in your GoDaddy Email & Office Dashboard to begin the validation process.
  • Adding and updating your TXT record in your DNS settings confirms your domain ownership.
  • Set up DNS records with GoDaddy and Microsoft to ensure seamless integration.
  • Troubleshoot and test your DNS changes to resolve any potential issues.

How to Find Your TXT Record for Domain Verification

As part of the domain validation process for go daddy domain validation with Microsoft, finding your TXT record is an essential step. To begin, log in to your GoDaddy Email & Office Dashboard. Once you’re logged in, you’ll notice a banner indicating that domain verification is required. Click on the banner to access the necessary information.

The TXT record contains the specific verification details needed to validate your domain ownership and proceed with the integration process. It serves as proof of your domain’s authenticity and ensures a smooth transition between GoDaddy and Microsoft 365.

Adding and Updating Your TXT Record

Once you have located your TXT record in the Email & Office Dashboard, it’s time to add and update it in your DNS settings. Follow the steps below to complete this process:

  1. Sign in to your account with your current DNS host.
  2. Find the option to add a TXT record and select it.
  3. Enter the value from your Email & Office Dashboard’s TXT record field.

This simple process verifies your ownership of the domain and ensures a smooth integration between GoDaddy and Microsoft 365. Completing this step is crucial to proceed with the rest of the Microsoft 365 setup.

Once you have successfully added the TXT record, go back to the Email & Office Dashboard and select “I’m Done.” This will prompt you to proceed with the remaining setup steps for Microsoft 365.

Setting Up DNS Records with GoDaddy and Microsoft

Setting up DNS records is a crucial step in integrating your GoDaddy domain with Microsoft 365. If GoDaddy is your DNS hosting provider, you have two options for the setup: Domain Connect or manual setup.

With Domain Connect, you can automatically verify and set up your domain with Microsoft 365. This streamlined process simplifies the integration and ensures a smooth transition for your domain.

If you prefer manual setup, you’ll need to follow a few steps to add the necessary DNS records. These records are essential for email, Teams, and other services to function properly with Microsoft 365. By carefully configuring the DNS settings, you can optimize the performance and reliability of your domain.

When setting up DNS records, it’s important to consider the specific requirements of Microsoft 365. Ensure that you add the correct records and include all the necessary details. The following table provides an overview of the DNS records you may need to add:

Record Type Name Value
A yourdomain.com IP address
CNAME autodiscover.yourdomain.com autodiscover.outlook.com
TXT yourdomain.com verification text

Make sure to replace “yourdomain.com” with your actual domain name and enter the appropriate IP address and verification text. These DNS records will authenticate your domain and allow Microsoft 365 to communicate with your GoDaddy domain seamlessly.

By successfully setting up DNS records, you can ensure a smooth and secure integration of your GoDaddy domain with Microsoft 365, enhancing your productivity and collaboration capabilities.

DNS Records

Troubleshooting and Testing the DNS Changes

After making the DNS changes for your GoDaddy domain, it’s important to understand that it may take some time for the changes to take effect. Typically, DNS changes propagate within 15 minutes, but in some cases, it can take longer.

If you experience any issues with mail flow or other problems after making the DNS changes, it’s essential to troubleshoot and test the changes to ensure everything is functioning correctly. Testing allows you to identify and resolve any potential issues that may arise during the validation process.

To troubleshoot the DNS changes, you can consult the Troubleshoot issues section provided by GoDaddy. This resource will help you pinpoint and resolve any problems that may occur with your domain validation or integration with Microsoft 365.

troubleshooting DNS changes

Testing the DNS Changes

Once you’ve made the necessary DNS changes, it’s crucial to test whether your domain is fully validated and functioning correctly with Microsoft 365. By testing the changes, you can ensure that all services, such as email and Teams, are working as expected.

Here are some steps you can take to test the DNS changes:

  1. Send a test email from your Microsoft 365 account to check if mail flow is functioning properly.
  2. Create a test Team on Microsoft Teams to verify if Teams integration is working correctly.
  3. Access your domain through a web browser to confirm that it is loading without any issues.

By performing these tests, you can be confident that your GoDaddy domain is properly validated and seamlessly integrated with Microsoft 365. In case you encounter any problems during the testing process, refer back to the troubleshooting resources provided by GoDaddy to resolve any issues promptly.

Validating Your GoDaddy Domain with Another GoDaddy Account

If you find yourself needing to validate your GoDaddy domain with another GoDaddy account, the process is quite similar. Just like before, you’ll need to make changes to your DNS settings and add a TXT record for domain ownership verification.

The key difference lies in accessing the Domain Portfolio of your other GoDaddy account. Once you’re in, you can manage the DNS records from there. Simply add the required TXT record and you’re almost done.

To complete the validation process, you’ll need to verify the added TXT record through your Microsoft 365 account. By doing so, you’ll successfully validate your domain and gain the ability to set up your Microsoft 365 mail destination for your domain.


How do I validate my GoDaddy domain with Microsoft?

To validate your GoDaddy domain with Microsoft, you need to change your DNS settings and add a TXT record for domain ownership verification.

How can I find the TXT record for domain verification?

To find your TXT record, log in to your GoDaddy Email & Office Dashboard, look for the verification banner, and select “Help me fix this”. The TXT record will be displayed in the dashboard.

How do I add and update my TXT record?

After locating your TXT record in the Email & Office Dashboard, sign in to your DNS hosting provider account, find the option to add a TXT record, and enter the value from your GoDaddy Email & Office Dashboard.

How do I set up DNS records with GoDaddy and Microsoft?

If GoDaddy is your DNS hosting provider, you can choose between using Domain Connect for automatic verification and setup or manually adding the necessary DNS records for email, Teams, and other services.

How long will it take for the DNS changes to take effect?

DNS changes typically propagate within 15 minutes, but it can occasionally take longer. If you experience any issues or delays, consult the Troubleshoot issues section provided by GoDaddy.

Can I validate my GoDaddy domain with another GoDaddy account?

Yes, you can validate your GoDaddy domain with another GoDaddy account. You will still need to change your DNS settings and add a TXT record for domain ownership verification, but you will manage the DNS records from your other GoDaddy account’s Domain Portfolio.
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