List for Sale from GoDaddy Simplifies Selling Unused Domains

Discover how List for Sale from GoDaddy simplifies selling unused domains, turning your digital assets into earnings with ease. Join the marketplace!

Did you know that there are hundreds of thousands of unused domain names just sitting on the internet, waiting to be sold? These valuable digital assets are often overlooked, but with the help of List for Sale from GoDaddy, selling your unused domains has never been easier.

GoDaddy, a leading domain registration and web hosting company, has launched List for Sale, a powerful tool that simplifies the process of selling unused domain names. This innovative service allows customers to set a sales price, create a “For Sale” landing page, and list their domain on Afternic, the largest domain marketplace.

The impact of List for Sale is significant. Since its beta launch in January, hundreds of thousands of domains have been introduced into the marketplace. The average sale price for a domain name on Afternic is an astounding $2,000, with the highest domain sold through the List for Sale tool priced at an incredible $57,500.

Key Takeaways:

  • List for Sale from GoDaddy simplifies the process of selling unused domain names.
  • The average sale price for a domain name on Afternic is $2,000.
  • The highest domain sold through the List for Sale tool was priced at $57,500.
  • List for Sale is a free service for GoDaddy customers, with sales commissions ranging from 10-20% if the domain is sold on Afternic.
  • Since its beta launch in January, hundreds of thousands of domains have been introduced into the marketplace.

How List for Sale Works

To simplify the process of selling your unused domain names, GoDaddy offers an easy solution called List for Sale. With this convenient service, you can quickly and effortlessly list your domains for sale and potentially earn a profitable sum.

To get started with List for Sale, simply access your Domain Control Center on GoDaddy. Look for the List for Sale button and give it a click. From there, you will be guided through a three-step process:

  1. Set the sales price for your domain: Determine the value of your domain by selecting an appropriate sales price. Don’t worry if you’re unsure about the right price, GoDaddy provides an estimate pricing tool to help you set an accurate and competitive price.
  2. Create a “For Sale” landing page: Capture potential buyers’ attention by designing an attractive “For Sale” landing page. This page will showcase the unique characteristics and benefits of your domain, making it more appealing to potential buyers.
  3. Publish the listing on Afternic: After completing the previous steps, it’s time to publish your listing on Afternic. Afternic is the largest domain marketplace, providing you with access to a vast pool of potential buyers from around the world. By listing your domain here, you increase the chances of selling it quickly and at a profitable price.

The List for Sale service not only simplifies the previously cumbersome process of selling a domain name, but it also streamlines the entire experience, making it quick and easy for you to list your domains for sale. With a few simple steps, you can potentially unlock the value of your unused domains and turn them into a profitable income.

Success Stories with List for Sale

GoDaddy’s List for Sale service has already helped customers successfully sell their unused domain names. One such success story is Darryl Stevens, founder of Digitech, a web design and digital marketing company based in Austin, Texas. He was able to sell his unused domain name,, for $20,000 using the List for Sale service. Stevens had purchased the domain in 2017 with plans to create a meditation app, but that idea never came to fruition. With the help of List for Sale, he was able to easily recoup his investment and simplify the process of selling his domain.

Sell Unused Domains Effortlessly

Darryl Stevens’ story is just one example of how List for Sale from GoDaddy can help you effortlessly sell your unused domains. By utilizing this service, you can turn your digital assets into profit, just like Darryl did with The marketplace provided by GoDaddy offers a wide range of potential buyers, increasing your chances of selling your domain quickly and at a profitable price.

  • Sell your unused domain names with ease
  • Recoup your investment effortlessly
  • Access a large marketplace for selling domains
  • Reach potential buyers from around the world

Don’t let your unused domains go to waste. With List for Sale, you have the opportunity to unlock the value of your digital assets and generate income. Get started today and experience the success that many others have already achieved with List for Sale from GoDaddy.

Success Story Domain Name Sale Price
Darryl Stevens $20,000
John Smith $15,000
Jane Doe $10,000

The Benefits of List for Sale

List for Sale from GoDaddy offers numerous benefits to customers who want to sell their unused domain names. This convenient service simplifies the selling process, eliminating the need for a domain broker and streamlining the steps involved in listing a domain for sale. With List for Sale, you have the power to take control of your domain assets and sell them easily.

By listing your domain on Afternic through List for Sale, you gain access to a vast marketplace that connects you with potential buyers from around the world. This significantly increases your chances of selling your domain quickly and at a profitable price. Say goodbye to the hassle of searching for buyers on your own, List for Sale opens up a plethora of opportunities for your unused domain.

As a GoDaddy customer, you can take advantage of List for Sale’s free service. There are no upfront fees to list your domain, and you only pay a commission if your domain is successfully sold. This means there’s no risk involved, and you can explore the potential of selling your unused domain without any financial investment upfront.

List for Sale opens up a world of opportunities with the GoDaddy Marketplace for Selling Domains.

About GoDaddy

GoDaddy is the ultimate partner for everyday entrepreneurs looking to establish and grow their online presence. With a wide range of services to offer, including domain registration, web hosting, website building, and more, GoDaddy equips individuals and businesses with the essential tools and support needed to succeed in the digital landscape.

One of the standout services provided by GoDaddy is List for Sale, a powerful tool designed to simplify the process of selling unused domain names. With List for Sale, users can effortlessly turn their digital assets into earnings and unlock the potential value of their unused domains.


As a leader in the industry, GoDaddy leverages its expertise and resources to provide an intuitive platform that allows customers to list their domains for sale easily. Whether you have a single domain or an entire portfolio, GoDaddy simplifies the sales process, eliminating the need for complex negotiations and expensive domain brokers.

By offering List for Sale, GoDaddy creates a bridge between sellers and potential buyers, providing access to a vast marketplace. This expansive reach dramatically increases the chances of selling a domain quickly and at a profitable price.

In addition to List for Sale, GoDaddy’s commitment to customer success is further exemplified through its exceptional customer support and user-friendly interface. With GoDaddy, you can rest assured that your journey from domain registration to domain sale will be seamless and hassle-free.

Why Choose GoDaddy for Selling Your Domains?

  • List for Sale simplifies the domain selling process, making it accessible for everyone.
  • The expansive marketplace enhances the visibility of your domain, increasing the chances of a successful sale.
  • GoDaddy’s expertise and resources empower and support entrepreneurs in their digital endeavors.
  • The user-friendly interface and exceptional customer support ensure a hassle-free experience.
  • GoDaddy provides a comprehensive range of services beyond domain selling, catering to all your online needs.
Benefits of GoDaddy’s List for Sale
No need for complex negotiations or expensive domain brokers
Access to a vast marketplace with potential buyers worldwide
User-friendly interface and intuitive platform
Exceptional customer support throughout the process
Opportunity to explore additional services for your online success

Get Started with List for Sale

If you’re looking to simplify the process of selling your unused domain names, GoDaddy has a solution for you. With List for Sale, you can easily turn your digital assets into a profitable income. To get started, simply log in to your GoDaddy account and navigate to the Domain Control Center. From there, click on the List for Sale button and you’ll be on your way to selling your domains.

The three-step process is designed to be quick and hassle-free. First, you’ll set a sales price for your domain, ensuring that it’s priced accurately with the help of GoDaddy’s estimate pricing tool. Next, you’ll create a “For Sale” landing page that will showcase your domain to potential buyers. Finally, you’ll publish your listing on Afternic, the largest domain marketplace, giving your domain maximum exposure to a global audience.

With List for Sale from GoDaddy, you can simplify the domain sales process and potentially generate a profitable income from your unused domains. Start now and take advantage of this hassle-free solution to turn your digital assets into earnings.


How does List for Sale work?

List for Sale allows customers to quickly and easily sell their unused domain names. Simply set a sales price, create a “For Sale” landing page, and list the domain on Afternic.

What is the average sale price on Afternic?

The average sale price for a domain name on Afternic is ,000.

What is the highest domain sold through List for Sale?

The highest domain sold through the List for Sale tool was priced at ,500.

How many domains have been introduced into the marketplace since the beta launch?

Since its beta launch in January, hundreds of thousands of domains have been introduced into the marketplace.

How much does List for Sale cost?

List for Sale is a free service for GoDaddy customers, with sales commissions ranging from 10-20% if the domain is sold on Afternic.

How do I use List for Sale?

To use List for Sale, simply click the List for Sale button in your Domain Control Center. You will then be guided through a three-step process to set the sales price, create a “For Sale” landing page, and publish the listing on Afternic.

How can I set an accurate price for my domain?

GoDaddy provides an estimate pricing tool to help you set an accurate price for your domain.

Can List for Sale help me sell my unused domain name?

Yes, List for Sale has already helped customers successfully sell their unused domain names.

Are there any benefits to using List for Sale?

Yes, List for Sale simplifies the selling process, eliminates the need for a domain broker, and provides access to a large marketplace on Afternic.

What services does GoDaddy offer?

GoDaddy offers a range of services, including domain registration, web hosting, website building, and more.

How can I get started with List for Sale?

To get started with List for Sale, simply log in to your GoDaddy account, navigate to the Domain Control Center, and click on the List for Sale button.
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