7 Web Design Rules You Should Never Break

Discover the essential web design guidelines and best practices with my rundown on the 7 Web Design Rules You Should Never Break for a stellar site.

Did you know that 94% of a website visitor’s first impressions are design-related? That’s right, the visual appeal and usability of your website have a significant impact on how users perceive your brand and interact with your content. To make sure you’re on the right track, here are 7 web design rules that you should never break.

Key Takeaways:

  • Web design plays a crucial role in shaping users’ first impressions of your website.
  • Following these 7 rules will help you create a visually appealing and user-friendly site.
  • Legible text, visual hierarchy, and a clear call to action are essential elements of effective web design.
  • Limit your font choices, include contact information, and avoid distracting autoplay features.
  • Proofread your website thoroughly to maintain a professional image.

Avoid Legibility Issues

Legible text is incredibly important for user experience. To ensure that your website is easy to read, there are several key factors to consider:

  • Text Color: Avoid using poor text color choices that make it hard to read, such as white text on a light-colored background or dark text on a dark background. Choose colors with sufficient contrast to enhance readability.
  • Text Contrast: Use appropriate color contrast between the text and the background to ensure that the text stands out clearly.
  • Font Choices: Select easy-to-read fonts for your website. Stick to professional fonts that are widely recognized and legible.
  • Font Size: Make sure the font size is large enough for easy reading. Small font sizes can strain the readers’ eyes and make the text difficult to comprehend.

By paying close attention to legibility issues, you can enhance the user experience of your website and ensure that visitors can effortlessly consume your content.

Apply Visual Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy plays a crucial role in guiding users through your website and enhancing their overall engagement. By strategically implementing different font sizes and colors, you can establish a clear hierarchy and direct users’ attention to important information and actionable buttons.

Consider the goal of your website and use visual cues effectively to make the user experience intuitive and seamless. Larger fonts and bolder colors can be used to highlight headings, titles, and key messages, while smaller fonts can be used for supporting text.

Keep in mind that color contrast is also essential for maintaining readability. Choose colors that create a noticeable contrast between the text and the background to ensure that users can easily read the content without any strain.

Buttons are another crucial element in creating a strong visual hierarchy. Use contrasting colors, larger sizes, and strategically position them to guide users towards desired actions, such as ‘Sign Up,’ ‘Buy Now,’ or ‘Learn More.’

Implementing visual hierarchy effectively contributes to a user-friendly and engaging website, enhancing overall user experience and increasing the likelihood of conversions.

visual hierarchy

Do Not Go Font-Crazy

When it comes to web design, font choices play a crucial role in creating a visually appealing and professional-looking website. However, it’s important to strike a balance and not go font-crazy. Using too many fonts can make your site look unstructured and unprofessional.

To maintain a cohesive design, limit the number of fonts used on your website to three or less. This will ensure consistency and improve readability for your visitors. Choose fonts that are appropriate for your industry and are easy to read on different devices. Professional fonts that exude credibility include Arial, Helvetica, and Times New Roman.

On the other hand, unprofessional fonts can give off a less polished impression to your audience. Avoid using overly decorative or novelty fonts that may be difficult to read or clash with your brand image. Stick with fonts that are clean, modern, and reflect the tone of your business.

Remember, the goal is to create a website that is visually appealing and provides a positive user experience. By making thoughtful font choices and maintaining font cohesion throughout your site, you can enhance the overall professionalism and aesthetics of your web design.

font choices

Professional Fonts Unprofessional Fonts
Arial Comic Sans MS
Helvetica Papyrus
Times New Roman Brush Script

Have An Obvious CTA

When it comes to website design, one of the most crucial elements for driving user engagement and encouraging customer response is having an obvious call to action (CTA) button. Your CTA is the gateway for your visitors to take the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting your business.

Placing the CTA prominently on your site is key. It should be one of the first elements that users see when they visit your site, ensuring that it grabs their attention immediately. Don’t bury the CTA at the bottom of the page or forget to include it altogether. By making the CTA prominent, you are increasing the chances of user engagement and conversions.

Consider the design and placement of your CTA button. It should be visually appealing, distinguishing itself from the rest of the page elements. Use contrasting colors and provide clear and concise copy that compels users to take action. Remember, the CTA button should be easy to find and interact with, eliminating any friction in the user journey.

To further enhance user engagement, consider the positioning of the CTA button on your website. Placing it strategically within your content, such as at the end of a product description or next to a compelling testimonial, can significantly improve its effectiveness.

Having an obvious call to action on your website is a powerful tool for driving user engagement and capturing customer response. It serves as a guide for your visitors, directing them towards the desired actions you want them to take. By optimizing your CTA button, you can maximize conversions and achieve your website design goals.

Include Your Contact Information

Having clear and easily accessible contact information on your website is crucial for effective communication with your audience. By providing multiple contact options, you make it easier for potential customers to reach out to you and inquire about your products or services. Here are the contact details you should include:

Phone Number

Add your business phone number so that customers can directly call you for inquiries or support. Whether it’s sales, customer service, or technical support, make sure your phone number is visible and clickable on your website.

Business Address

Include your business address to establish trust and credibility with your audience. This is particularly important for local businesses looking to attract customers from specific geographical areas. Your business address can be listed in the footer section or on a dedicated “Contact Us” page.

Email Address

Displaying your email address or email contact form provides another channel for potential customers to get in touch with you. Make sure to use a professional email address that aligns with your brand, and include it prominently on your website.

Contact Form

A contact form enables visitors to send you messages directly from your website. It allows them to provide important details and inquiries conveniently. Design a user-friendly contact form that requires essential information while keeping it concise and easy to fill out.

By including your contact information, you show your commitment to providing exceptional customer service. Make it easy for users to find you, whether they prefer to call, visit your physical location, send an email, or fill out a contact form. This helps build trust, increases customer satisfaction, and ultimately leads to more conversions for your business.

Contact Method Contact Details
Phone (123) 456-7890
Address 123 Main St, Toronto, ON, Canada
Email [email protected]
Contact Form Click here to fill out the contact form

Avoid Distracting Autoplay

Autoplay features for videos and audios on websites can have a negative impact on user experience and usability. It can make it difficult for users to navigate the site and can be annoying for viewers. Instead of implementing autoplay, it is recommended to allow users to have control over when they want to start playing videos or audios by clicking the play button.

By avoiding autoplay, you can create a more user-friendly website that respects the preferences and browsing habits of your audience. This approach enhances the overall usability of your site and provides a better user experience.

The Downsides of Autoplay

  • Autoplay can be disruptive and unexpected, causing frustration for users who may not be prepared for the sudden sound or motion.
  • It can interfere with the user’s ability to focus on the content they came to see, leading to a higher bounce rate and lower engagement.
  • Autoplaying videos or audios can consume precious bandwidth and disrupt the overall browsing experience, especially for users with limited data plans or slower internet connections.

By allowing users to choose when they want to engage with videos and audios, you give them more control over their browsing experience. This can lead to a more positive perception of your website, increased user satisfaction, and better conversion rates.

Proofread, Proofread, Proofread

In the world of web design, paying attention to every detail is crucial to maintaining a professional image and website credibility. One simple yet often overlooked aspect is proofreading. Taking the time to thoroughly proofread your website can save you from embarrassing typos, grammar mistakes, and spelling errors that could ultimately damage your company’s reputation.

A website littered with mistakes can create a negative first impression for visitors, suggesting a lack of attention to detail or professionalism. By conducting a comprehensive proofreading process, you can ensure that your content is error-free, enhancing your website’s professional image and establishing trust with your audience.

As a website owner, you may become blind to your own errors. That’s why it’s also critical to involve colleagues in the proofreading process. Fresh eyes can identify overlooked mistakes and offer valuable suggestions for improvement. By leveraging the combined efforts of your team, you can achieve a polished website that reflects the professionalism and credibility of your brand.

Ultimately, proofreading is an integral part of web design. It not only helps to eliminate typos, grammar mistakes, and other errors but also demonstrates your commitment to excellence. By upholding a high standard of quality through meticulous proofreading, you can establish your website as a reliable source of information and create a positive user experience for visitors.


What are some essential web design rules I should follow?

There are seven web design rules that you should never break. These include ensuring legible text, applying visual hierarchy, limiting the number of fonts used, having an obvious call to action (CTA), including contact information, avoiding autoplay features, and proofreading your website for mistakes.

Why is legible text important for web design?

Legible text is crucial for user experience. It is important to choose appropriate text colors that have good contrast, use easy-to-read fonts, and ensure the font size is large enough to be readable.

How can visual hierarchy improve user engagement?

Establishing visual hierarchy on your website can guide users through the content and highlight important information. This can be achieved through techniques like using different font sizes and colors to create visual cues.

Is there a limit to the number of fonts I can use?

It is recommended to use three or fewer fonts on your website. Using too many fonts can make your site look unstructured and unprofessional.

Why is it important to have an obvious call to action (CTA)?

A clear and prominent CTA button encourages customer engagement and drives conversions. Placing the CTA prominently on your site ensures it is one of the first elements that users see.

What contact information should I include on my website?

It is important to include clear and easy-to-find contact information such as your phone number, business address, mailing address, email addresses of key contacts, and consider adding a contact form.

Why should I avoid autoplay features on my website?

Autoplay features for videos and audios can make it difficult for users to navigate your site and can be annoying for viewers. Instead, allow users to click the play button to start videos or audios.

Why is proofreading important for my website?

Proofreading helps eliminate punctuation, grammar, and spelling mistakes that can decrease your company’s credibility and professionalism. It is essential to take the time to review your website and have colleagues review it as well.
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