How to Transfer a Google Domain to Another Google Account

Learn a step-by-step domain transfer process for moving your Google domain to another Google account with ease and assurance.

Did you know that you can transfer your Google domain to another Google account or a different registrar? It’s a lesser-known feature that many users are not aware of, but it can be incredibly useful when you need to manage your domains more effectively. Whether you’re looking to consolidate your accounts or switch to a different service, transferring your Google domain provides a seamless way to do so.

Transferring a Google domain may seem like a daunting task, but with the right guidance, it can be a straightforward process. In this article, I’ll walk you through the step-by-step domain transfer process, whether you want to transfer your domain to another Google account or a different registrar. We’ll explore the requirements, restrictions, and essential considerations to ensure a smooth and successful transfer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Transferring a Google domain can be done to another Google account or a different registrar.
  • The process involves unlocking the domain, obtaining an authorization code, and providing it to the new registrar or account.
  • Consider updating contact information and managing DNS settings and services associated with the domain during the transfer.
  • Transferring a Google Workspace account also follows a specific process, ensuring uninterrupted service continuity.
  • With proper planning and execution, transferring your Google domain can be a seamless experience.

Transferring a Google Domain to Another Google Account

To transfer a Google domain to another Google account, follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to Google Domains using your current Google account credentials.
  2. Access the transfer settings for the specific domain you want to transfer.
  3. Ensure that your domain is unlocked. If it’s locked, you won’t be able to transfer it. If needed, unlock the domain.
  4. Obtain the domain transfer authorization code. This code is required for the transfer process.
  5. Copy the authorization code and provide it to the new Google account where you want to transfer the domain.
  6. Confirm the transfer in the new Google account settings and update your contact information if necessary.
  7. Once the transfer is initiated, you will receive a confirmation email for the transfer.
  8. The transfer process usually takes about one day to complete.

During the transfer, your Google Workspace services will continue uninterrupted. However, please note that billing in Google Domains will stop immediately. Make sure to update your billing information in the new Google account if applicable.

Transferring a Google Domain to a Different Registrar

If you wish to transfer your Google domain to a different registrar, it’s important to follow the proper steps to ensure a smooth transition. Working with the new registrar and understanding any restrictions or requirements will help facilitate a successful transfer. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Check for Admin Actions: Before initiating the transfer process, make sure there are no pending admin actions against your domain in Google Domains. Clearing any administrative tasks will help avoid complications during the transfer.
  2. ICANN Policy Restrictions: It’s essential to be aware of any restrictions imposed by ICANN, the governing body for domain names. Some registry operators and registrars may have restrictions on transferring domains purchased within the last 60 days. Familiarize yourself with these policies to ensure compliance.
  3. Troubleshooting Assistance: If you encounter any issues during the transfer process, don’t hesitate to reach out to your new registrar. They can provide troubleshooting assistance and guide you through any challenges that may arise.
  4. Specific Domain Requirements: Different domain endings may have specific requirements for transferring to a different registrar. Research the specific requirements for your domain ending to ensure a successful transfer.

By following these steps and understanding the ICANN policy restrictions, you can transfer your Google domain to a different registrar seamlessly. If any issues arise, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from the new registrar or consult the relevant documentation.

Transferring a Google Domain to a Different Registrar

Step Description
1 Check for pending admin actions
2 Review ICANN policy restrictions
3 Contact new registrar for troubleshooting assistance
4 Familiarize yourself with specific domain requirements

Transferring Multiple Google Domains

If you find yourself needing to transfer multiple Google domains, don’t worry – I’ve got you covered! You can simply reach out to our support team for expert guidance on the entire process. They will provide you with the necessary steps and instructions tailored to your specific needs, whether you’re transferring multiple domains between different Google accounts or to a completely different registrar.

It’s important to note that each domain transfer should be initiated individually, following the appropriate procedures. This ensures a smooth and efficient transfer for each domain, giving you peace of mind throughout the process.

Our dedicated support team is here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring that your multiple domain transfers go seamlessly. So, whether you’re consolidating your domains or expanding your online presence, we’re here to make the process as simple and hassle-free as possible.

Rest assured that with our step-by-step guidance, your multiple Google domain transfers will be executed smoothly and securely, preserving your online identity and ensuring uninterrupted service for your websites and online assets.

So why wait? Contact our support team now to get started on transferring your multiple Google domains to their new destinations!

Transferring multiple Google domains

Managing Google Workspace Account Transfers

If you have a Google Workspace account managed in Google Domains and need to transfer it, you can follow a simple process.

Here’s how to manage the transfer:

  1. Sign in to Google Domains.
  2. Select the domain associated with the Google Workspace account.
  3. Navigate to the Email section.

From there, you can manage the transfer of your Google Workspace subscription to Google Workspace directly. Rest assured that when you transfer the account, the users and services in Google Workspace will continue uninterrupted.

However, please note that billing in Google Domains stops immediately. To avoid service suspension, you have 30 days to set up billing in Google Workspace.

To set up billing in Google Workspace:

  1. Sign in with your Google Workspace username.
  2. Access the Admin console.
  3. Follow the instructions to set up payment information.

By managing the transfer of your Google Workspace account from Google Domains to Google Workspace, you can ensure a seamless transition while maintaining uninterrupted access to essential services.

Transferring Google Workspace Billing

It’s important to note that transferring your Google Workspace account also involves transferring the billing information. When you transfer the account from Google Domains to Google Workspace, billing in Google Domains will stop immediately. To avoid any service disruption, you must set up billing in Google Workspace within 30 days.

Follow these steps to set up billing in Google Workspace:

  1. Sign in to Google Workspace with your Google Workspace username.
  2. Access the Admin console.
  3. Choose the Billing section.
  4. Follow the instructions to set up your payment information.

By completing the billing setup in Google Workspace, you can ensure the continued availability of your Google Workspace services without any interruptions.

Process Description
Sign in to Google Domains Access your Google Domains account with your login credentials.
Select the domain Choose the domain associated with the Google Workspace account you want to transfer.
Navigate to the Email section Find the Email section within Google Domains.
Manage the transfer Follow the instructions provided in the Email section to manage the transfer of your Google Workspace subscription to Google Workspace directly.
Set up billing in Google Workspace After transferring the account, sign in to Google Workspace with your Google Workspace username, access the Admin console, and follow the instructions to set up payment information within 30 days to avoid any service suspension.

Transferring Domains Across Google Accounts

Transferring domains across Google accounts is a streamlined process that typically takes around 6 minutes. After logging in to your Google Domains account, you can access the transfer settings and provide the necessary details for the transfer, including the domain name and the authorization code. The transfer process involves the following steps:

  1. Select the originating account and the destination account.
  2. Enter the authorization code for the domain transfer.
  3. Choose whether to copy DNS records or start over with new settings.
  4. Decide on the auto-renewal settings for the transferred domain.
  5. Confirm the contact information for the domain.
  6. Complete the transfer process.

After completing the transfer, you will receive a confirmation email, and you can monitor the transfer status in the transfer settings page of your Google Domains account.


Transferring a Google domain to another Google account or a different registrar is a straightforward process that requires a few important steps. First, unlock your domain and obtain the authorization code. Then, provide the code to the new registrar or account to initiate the transfer. It’s essential to review and update your contact information, consider auto-renewal options, and manage any DNS settings and services associated with the domain.

With proper planning and execution, you can confidently transfer your Google domain to another Google account or a different registrar. Ensuring a smooth transfer process will minimize any disruptions to your online presence and ensure the continuity of your domain-related services. By following the outlined steps and guidelines, you can successfully transfer your Google domain and continue managing it with ease.

Whether you are transferring your Google domain to another Google account or moving it to a different registrar, it’s important to stay organized and informed throughout the process. By understanding the roles of different entities involved, complying with any policy restrictions, and seeking assistance when needed, you can navigate the domain transfer process seamlessly. Remember to keep track of the necessary documentation and communication to ensure a smooth and trouble-free transfer.


How do I transfer my Google domain to another Google account?

To transfer your Google domain to another Google account, log in to Google Domains and access the transfer settings for the specific domain. Ensure your domain is unlocked and obtain the authorization code. Copy the code and provide it to the new account where you want to transfer the domain. Confirm the transfer and update your contact information if needed. The process usually takes about one day to complete, and you will receive a confirmation email.

Can I transfer my Google domain to a different registrar?

Yes, you can transfer your Google domain to a different registrar. Before transferring, ensure there are no pending admin actions against your domain in Google Domains. Keep in mind that registry operators and other registrars may have restrictions on transferring domains purchased within the last 60 days based on ICANN policy permissions. If you encounter any issues during the transfer, contact your new registrar for troubleshooting assistance.

How do I transfer multiple Google domains?

If you need to transfer multiple Google domains, contact support for guidance on the process. They will provide you with the necessary steps and instructions specific to transferring multiple domains, whether it’s between Google accounts or to a different registrar. Each domain transfer should be initiated individually following the appropriate procedures.

How do I transfer my Google Workspace account managed in Google Domains?

To transfer your Google Workspace account managed in Google Domains, sign in to Google Domains, select the domain associated with the Google Workspace account, and navigate to the Email section. From there, you can manage the transfer of your Google Workspace subscription to Google Workspace directly. The users and services in Google Workspace will continue uninterrupted, but billing in Google Domains will stop immediately.

How can I transfer domains across Google accounts?

Transferring domains across Google accounts is a streamlined process. After logging in to your Google Domains account, access the transfer settings and provide the necessary details for the transfer, including the domain name and the authorization code. The transfer process involves selecting the originating account and the destination account, entering the authorization code, choosing whether to copy DNS records or start over, and deciding on auto-renewal settings. Complete the confirmation of contact information, and you will receive a confirmation email. The transfer status can be monitored in the transfer settings page.
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