How to Set Up Your Custom Domain in Hover

Discover a straightforward guide on How to Set Up Your Custom Domain in Hover and take the first step to personalize your online presence!

Did you know that having a custom domain can greatly enhance your online presence and branding? In fact, websites with custom domains are perceived as more professional and trustworthy. If you’re using the popular Ghost(Pro) platform, setting up a custom domain with Hover is a straightforward process that can give your website a personal touch. In this step-by-step guide, I’ll show you how to configure your custom domain in Hover and create a personalized online presence that stands out from the crowd.

Key Takeaways:

  • Setting up a custom domain adds professionalism and trustworthiness to your online presence.
  • Hover provides easy-to-follow steps for configuring your custom domain.
  • Choosing a custom domain enhances your brand and creates a unique online identity.
  • Activating your custom domain in the Ghost Admin area ensures seamless integration.
  • Consider using the Hover Connect option for automatic DNS record setup.

Access Domain DNS Settings

To begin setting up your custom domain in Hover, log in to your Hover account and access your domains. Click on the domain you want to configure and select “Edit DNS” to access the domain’s DNS records. This is where you will make the necessary changes to connect your custom domain to your Ghost(Pro) publication.

Once you have logged in to your Hover account, navigate to the dashboard and locate the “Domains” section. Here, you will find a list of all the domains associated with your Hover account. Select the specific domain you want to configure for your Ghost(Pro) publication.

Within the domain settings, you will see an option to “Edit DNS.” Click on this option to access the DNS records for your domain. These records hold the key to connecting your custom domain to your Ghost(Pro) site. Making changes to the DNS settings allows you to configure your domain according to your preferences.

Review the current DNS records for your domain and make any necessary changes to connect your custom domain to your Ghost(Pro) publication. Changes can include adding new records, updating existing records, or removing unnecessary records. Ensure that the necessary records are in place for a successful configuration.

By accessing the domain’s DNS settings in your Hover account, you’re taking the first step towards configuring your custom domain and establishing your online presence with your Ghost(Pro) publication.

Create a CNAME Record

Once you have accessed the DNS settings for your domain, the next step is to create a CNAME record. This record plays a crucial role in custom domain configuration and ensures that your domain properly directs users to your Ghost(Pro) site.

To create a CNAME record, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on the “Add A Record” button in your domain’s DNS settings.
  2. Select “CNAME” as the record type.
  3. Enter the appropriate values for the host and value, as specified by your Ghost(Pro) site.

By creating this CNAME record, you are establishing a connection between your custom domain and your Ghost(Pro) publication. This allows visitors to access your site using the unique URL you have chosen.

Here is an example of how your CNAME record might look:

Host Value

Please note that the values for the host and value will vary depending on your specific Ghost(Pro) site. Be sure to enter the correct information to ensure a successful domain configuration.

CNAME record image

Activate the Custom Domain

Once you have created the CNAME record in your domain’s DNS settings, it’s time to activate the custom domain in your Ghost Admin area. Follow these simple steps to ensure that your custom domain is fully connected to your Ghost(Pro) publication.

  1. Log in to your Ghost Admin area.
  2. Go to the Ghost(Pro) > Domain settings.
  3. Click the “Setup” button.
  4. Follow the prompts to activate your custom domain.

This step will finalize the configuration process and make your custom domain live for your audience to enjoy.

Custom domain activation

Why Activate Your Custom Domain in Ghost Admin?

Activating your custom domain in Ghost Admin is a crucial step to ensure that all the settings and configurations are synchronized between your domain provider, Hover, and your Ghost(Pro) publication. By activating the custom domain from within Ghost Admin, you establish a seamless connection that enables your website to function as intended.

Benefits of Activating Custom Domain in Ghost Admin
1. Simplifies the setup process
2. Ensures accurate domain configuration
3. Centralizes all domain-related settings in one location
4. Allows for easier future management and updates

Hover Connect Option

Alongside manual configuration, Hover offers the Hover Connect option for effortless integration with platforms like Pagecloud. By selecting Pagecloud from the Hover Connect partners list, you can automatically set up all the necessary DNS records required to connect your custom domain. This option streamlines the setup process and ensures accurate DNS configuration.

In addition to being a user-friendly option, Hover Connect provides automatic DNS record setup, eliminating the need for manual input. This seamless integration saves you time and effort, simplifying the process of connecting your custom domain to your Ghost(Pro) publication.

The Hover Connect option is particularly beneficial for those using the Pagecloud website builder platform. By leveraging this integration, you can effortlessly configure your custom domain and start building your online presence without dealing with the DNS setup manually.

Whether you’re new to custom domain setup or simply looking for a hassle-free option, the Hover Connect feature ensures a smooth and accurate configuration process for your Ghost(Pro) publication.

Next, let’s take a closer look at the steps involved in manually connecting your custom domain in Hover. This option provides more control and flexibility for users who prefer to configure their DNS settings themselves.

Manually Connect Your Domain

If you prefer to have full control over the domain connection process, you can manually connect your custom domain in Hover. By following a few simple steps, you’ll be able to establish a seamless connection between your domain and your Ghost(Pro) publication.

  1. Sign in to your Hover account.
  2. Navigate to the DNS section for your domain.
  3. Add or update the necessary DNS records to connect your custom domain.
  4. Ensure that you enter the correct values for each record type, such as A-Record and CNAME.
  5. Once the DNS records are set up, test the connection to ensure that your custom domain is properly configured.

Manually connecting your domain gives you the flexibility to customize and optimize your domain settings according to your specific requirements.

Note: Before proceeding with manual domain connection, make sure you have the necessary knowledge and understanding of DNS records and their configuration.

Choosing Your Preferred URL

After successfully connecting your custom domain in Hover, you have the option to choose your preferred URL. This refers to how your website will appear online, whether with or without the “www” prefix.

To select your preferred URL, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Hover account
  2. Navigate to your domain settings
  3. Locate the option to set your preferred URL
  4. Choose whether you want your website to be displayed with or without the “www” prefix
  5. Save your changes

By setting your preferred URL, you can further personalize the appearance of your custom domain and create a consistent online presence.

For example, if you choose to display your website with the “www” prefix, visitors will see it as “”. On the other hand, if you prefer a URL without the “www”, it will appear as “”. This choice allows you to optimize the appearance of your domain based on your branding preferences.

Finalizing the Setup

Now that you have finished configuring your custom domain in Hover, it’s important to keep in mind that it may take some time for all the changes to fully propagate. This process, known as DNS caching and domain propagation, can take up to 48 hours. So, it’s crucial to remain patient during this period.

After the propagation is complete, your custom domain will be fully set up and ready to use with your Ghost(Pro) publication. You can enjoy the benefits of a personalized online presence, reflecting your unique brand or identity.

It’s worth noting that domain propagation time can vary, and it’s possible to experience faster or slower updates depending on various factors. However, by following the steps outlined in this guide, you have taken the necessary measures to ensure a smooth and successful custom domain setup.


How do I access my domain’s DNS settings in Hover?

To access your domain’s DNS settings in Hover, log in to your Hover account and navigate to the domains section. Select the domain you want to configure and click on “Edit DNS”. This will give you access to the domain’s DNS records where you can make the necessary changes.

How do I create a CNAME record in Hover?

To create a CNAME record in Hover, go to the DNS settings for your domain and click on “Add A Record”. Select CNAME as the record type and enter the appropriate values for the host and value. This CNAME record will ensure that your custom domain directs users to the correct site.

How do I activate the custom domain in my Ghost Admin area?

To activate the custom domain in your Ghost Admin area, log in to your Ghost Admin area and go to the Ghost(Pro) > Domain settings. Click the “Setup” button and follow the prompts to activate your custom domain. This step ensures that your custom domain is fully connected to your Ghost(Pro) publication.

Is there an option to automatically set up DNS records with Hover Connect?

Yes, there is an option to automatically set up DNS records with Hover Connect. By selecting Pagecloud from the Hover Connect partners list, you can seamlessly integrate your custom domain with platforms like Pagecloud. This simplifies the setup process and ensures accurate DNS configuration.

How do I manually connect my custom domain in Hover?

To manually connect your custom domain in Hover, sign in to your Hover account and navigate to the DNS section for your domain. Here, you can add or update the necessary DNS records to connect your custom domain. Make sure to enter the correct values for each record type, such as A-Record and CNAME.

Can I choose my preferred URL for my custom domain?

Yes, you can choose your preferred URL for your custom domain. In your domain settings, you can select whether you want your website to appear with or without the “www” prefix. This allows you to personalize your domain and create a consistent online presence.

How long does it take for the changes to fully propagate after setting up a custom domain in Hover?

After setting up a custom domain in Hover, it may take up to 48 hours for the changes to fully propagate. This is due to DNS caching and domain propagation. During this period, it’s important to be patient. Once the propagation is complete, your custom domain will be fully set up and ready to use with your Ghost(Pro) publication.
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